Meter Reading
See Below for Instructions on Manually Reading Your Meter
Track Usage
1. Find your water meter box (typically located on the front of your property, near the street). The meter box cover will be labeled MONTECITO WATER. Note: Be careful when removing the meter box cover so as not to damage the antenna or smash your fingers. Use a screwdriver to remove the cover and gently place it next to the meter box. You may also want to wear gloves as protection against insects and spiders that may be in the meter box.
Lifting the lid of the water meter will activate the light sensor on the meter, displaying a nine-digit LCD to show consumption, as seen
in the image to the left.
2. The first four underlined numbers, all the way to the left, are the billing units, measured in hundred cubic feet (HCF), that have passed through the meter. Those are the numbers used to calculate your usage. Compare this usage to previous week's usage to determine if unanticipated usage is taking place.
Check for Leaks
The display will alternate between the unit read and the rate of water currently flowing through the meter. You can also display the rate of flow mode by touching the optical display switch or by closing and opening the meter’s lid. If there is no water flow, the display will read 0.00.
Your water meter also has a leak indicator icon, a faucet, that will display if water is running continuously through the meter over an extended period of time. This can be an indication of potential leaks in your house.
You can also determine if you have a leak by turning off all the faucets and spigots in and around the house. The rate of flow, measured in gallons per minute, should be 0.00. If the meter still indicates water flow with all fixtures off, you likely have a leak. For example, the image to the left shows a flow of .07 gallons per minute.
Please Note: MWD does not repair leaks on the customer side of the meter. That is the customer’s responsibility; you may wish to call a plumber
Meter Reading
With the implementation of Smart Meters, reads are taken on the last day of the month.