Long-Term Planning (UWMP)
Montecito Water District's Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP)
An Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP) is a planning tool that generally summarizes the actions of water management agencies. The UWMP provides managers and the public with a broad perspective on water supply issues. UWMPs provide a framework for long-term water planning and inform the public of a supplier’s plans for long-term resource planning that ensures adequate water supplies for existing and future demands.
The California Urban Water Management Plan Act requires water agencies to prepare a plan that:
- Provides water supply planning over a 20-year period in five-year increments
- Identifies and quantifies current and potential future water supplies, including recycled water and desalination, for existing and future demands in normal, single-dry and multiple-dry years
- Describes conservation program implementation and efficient use of urban water supplies.
Plans are to be updated at least once every five years. Mandated by the California Department of Water Resources (DWR), the 2015 Plan was also designed to demonstrate an agency’s progress towards compliance with Senate Bill X7-7, which required a 10% reduction in overall water consumption by 2015 and a 20% reduction by 2020.
The District’s Urban Water Management Plan 2020 update was adopted June 22, 2021 by unanimous vote of Montecito Water District’s Board of Directors.