Recycled Water

Recycled Water is a potential new source for the District which would extend drinking water supplies, enhance water supply reliability, and reduce reliance on imported water supplies.
The District’s Urban Water Management Plan (2017) identified Recycled Water as a long-term local reliable supply and projects the District may add 1,000 acre feet to its annual water portfolio by 2025.
An initial Recycled Water Feasibility Plan (RWFP) was completed by the end of 2018. It was funded in half by a grant the District applied for and received from the State Water Resources Control Board, and identified potentially viable water reuse projects. The top recommended recycled water project was non-potable reuse (NPR) for large irrigation users with the option of indirect potable reuse (IPR) pending a hydrogeologic investigation of the Montecito Groundwater Basin.
In January, 2019, MWD's Board voted unanimously in favor of the additional technical studies required to move forward with recommended projects from the RWFP.
In February, 2019, MWD's Strategic Planning Committee began meeting jointly with Montecito Sanitary District's Administration and Operations Committee.
In September, 2019, MWD's Board adopted Resolution 2187 regarding a Joint Recycled Water Pilot Project in Montecito
In October, 2019, results from a Groundwater Augmentation Feasibility Study indicated limited potential for an Indirect Potable Reuse Project (groundwater injection).
In November, 2019, MWD's Board adopted Resolution 2189, further refining its plan for recycled water.
Throughout 2020 - 2022, MWD has continued with its methodic approach to efficiently, effectively, and affordably implement a recycled water project that will serve the best interest of the community.
In January, 2023, an updated Enhanced Recycled Water Feasibility Study was completed in collaboration with Montecito Sanitary District to inform the future direction of recycled water projects.
We look forward to keeping the public informed on continued progress.
Note: At this time, a delivery program in partnership with Goleta is available for any customers wishing to use Recycled Water for landscaping.
Recycled Water Available for Delivery
Eligible property owners within Montecito Water District’s service area can participate in Goleta Water District’s Recycled Water Hauling Program to have recycled water delivered and applied to their landscape. See the attached District boundary map for applicable area.
How to Request and Sign-Up for Goleta Water District’s Recycled Water Hauling Program:
STEP 1. Contact Goleta Water District and complete the Sign-Up Procedure. Program Information, including costs, can be found at Alternatively, call (805) 964-6761.
STEP 2. BEFORE recycled water is delivered by Goleta Water District, contact Montecito Water District (call (805) 969-2271 or email and complete the Sign-Up Procedure, which includes:
- Providing a fully executed copy of Goleta Water District’s Program Customer Agreement,
- Providing verification from an authorized and certified testing company of the installation of a properly installed and functioning, legally-required backflow prevention device, and
- Completing Montecito Water District’s own Recycled Water User Agreement, including signing the agreement and paying the required deposit.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Recycled Water?
Recycled water is wastewater that has been highly purified so it can be used again for new non-drinking purposes. The recycled water produced at Goleta Sanitary District’s recycled water treatment facility and distributed for use by Goleta Water District is treated to a disinfected tertiary level that is fully compliant with the State Water Resources Control Board’s Title 22 Code of Regulations.
What Can Recycled Water be Used for?
Recycled water delivered through Goleta Water District’s Recycled Water Hauling Program is permitted for use on landscaping. Contact Goleta Water District for other permitted uses. Goleta Water District’s permit does not allow the delivery of recycled water to private on-site storage tanks.
How is the Recycled Water Delivered?
Goleta Water District (GWD) delivers recycled water from Goleta Sanitary District’s recycled water facility to customers’ properties via a 2,000-gallon recycled water truck, which is owned by GWD and operated by a GWD-trained contract operator. GWD applies recycled water to each customer’s landscaping via hand application through a hose attached to the truck in a manner that prevents runoff, ponding or waste of the recycled water. Alternatively, recycled water can be applied by Goleta Water District via a connection to a fixed irrigation system that has been properly converted to receive recycled water. Signage is posted by GWD indicating that recycled water is in use.