Customers Asked to Finish the Year Without Irrigating as Rainfall Marks the Finish of the District’s First Century

District Office 2021
District Office 2021

1) “Outdoor Watering” Not Needed for the Rest of the Year.
Most landscapes will need no more water in 2021 thanks to rain received in December. If more rain arrives by the end of the month as forecast, this welcome watering hiatus is likely to extend into January, 2022. The cooler, shorter days provide perfect conditions for soil moisture retention, particularly below the soil’s surface and under mulch. Customers needing assistance with making seasonal adjustments to irrigation timers are encouraged to call the District’s Conservation Specialist at 805.969.2271 for assistance.

2) Customer Action has Water Consumption Trending Back on Budget District-wide: Voluntary Conservation Commended.
Concerned by rising water use attributable to the onset of drought conditions and pandemic-related changes in consumption behavior, the District ramped up communications on the importance of voluntary conservation in spring of this year. Between December 2019 and June 2020, water use averaged 25% over budget, leading the District to establish a Goal for 20% water use reduction in July.  “Customer engagement has been commendable since the 20% Reduction Goal was announced—resulting in a consistent downward trend in water use that has consumption trending back on budget,” said General Manager Nick Turner. “Additional ongoing reduction will be needed to meet the State’s guidelines. Customers are encouraged to take full advantage of these winter months to dramatically reduce water use, repair or replace irrigation systems, and update landscaping to lower property water needs long-term.

3) “Desal Deliveries” Commence January 1.
The 50-year Water Supply Agreement (WSA) with the City of Santa Barbara executed in September 2020 will provide the District with 1,430 acre feet of water per year beginning in January, 2022. Backed by the City’s Charles E. Meyer Desalination Facility, the agreement will supply approximately 35% of the District’s current annual water supply demands with a local and nearly 100% reliable supply of high-quality potable water.  The WSA significantly enhances drought resilience and the overall reliability of the District’s water supply portfolio while also expanding regional water management options. With the onset of extreme drought conditions and State Water Project allocations currently set at 0% for the coming year, the District welcomes the timely addition of this important new source.

4) Reliable Since 1921: Celebrating a Century of Service and Planning for the Next 100 Years.
Founded in November 1921, the District is developing a strategic plan for release in 2022 to commemorate its one hundredth year and ongoing commitment.

Montecito Water District’s mission is to provide an adequate and reliable supply of high quality water to the residents of Montecito and Summerland, at the most reasonable cost. In carrying out this mission, the District places particular emphasis on providing outstanding customer service, conducting its operations in an environmentally sensitive manner, and working cooperatively with other agencies. For additional information visit, like Montecito Water District on Facebook, and follow on twitter @MontecitoWater.