December Billing Adjustments


Due to the holiday meter reading schedule, the December billing cycle was 35 days versus an average 30 day period. In recognition of the extended meter read period, the District Board of Directors voted in December to authorize pro-rata billing adjustments to customers that incur resulting penalty charges.

MWD staff has completed an analysis of the December billing statements to customers and adjustments have been made to the affected accounts.

  • For customers that pay by bank draft, the District will debit your bank account for the “net” amount due after the adjustment is applied.
  • All other affected customers will see the applied credit on their January billing statement. This amount will be reflected on the Balance Forward line.

The District continues to acknowledge and thank its customers for its conservation efforts during this exceptional 5th year of drought. Please contact the District if you have any questions about your billing by calling 805-969-2271.