NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN the Montecito Water District (District; Lead Agency) has prepared a Recirculated Draft Initial Study-Negative Declaration (IS-ND) for the project listed below pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) State Guidelines §15000 et seq. The Draft IS-ND is being recirculated because changes to the Project Description have been made to incorporate potential single-year transfer agreements of Article 56C (carryover) SWP Supplies from MWD to Homer; such transfer would occur at San Luis Reservoir in Merced County. Anyone desiring to comment on the Recirculated IS-ND may do so in writing within the 30-day public review period commencing November 19, 2024 and concluding on December 18, 2024. All written comments must be received by 5:00 p.m. on December 18, 2024.

Project Title: Water Management Program Agreement between Montecito Water District and Homer LLC

Project Location and Project Description:
The proposed project involves a five-year (2025 to 2029) transfer agreement of SWP supplies between the District and Homer LLC. Under the agreement, the District would annually assess its water supplies and determine whether it has surplus Table A SWP water to transfer. If the District determines it has surplus Table A water, Homer would be obligated to purchase the surplus SWP water at a predetermined unit price. The transfer of Table A SWP supplies would take place at the Banks Pumping Plant (Alameda and Contra Costa Counties). In addition, the project involves potential single-year transfer agreements of Article 56C (carryover) SWP supplies between MWD and Homer during the period of 2025 to 2029. These agreements may be executed in years when MWD determines it has surplus SWP supplies carried over from prior years. The transfer of Article 56C SWP supplies to Homer would take place at the San Luis Reservoir. No new or upgraded physical infrastructure would be required to implement these transfer agreements because the surface and groundwater facilities and connections to Kern County Water Agency and Homer LLC facilities currently exist and are in regular use for delivery of SWP supplies via Kern County Water Agency. Because no new or upgraded physical infrastructure is required, there is no project site that could be included on existing lists of hazardous materials sites compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5.

Environmental Determination: Pursuant to the requirements of CEQA, an Initial Study was prepared, which describes the environmental impacts of the project and concludes the project will not generate a significant adverse impact on the environment. Based on this assessment, a Negative Declaration has been prepared.

Public Comments/Review: In accordance with Section 15073 of the State CEQA Guidelines, the Draft IS-ND is available for public review for 30 days from November 19, 2024 to December 18, 2024 online at or at the District office (583 San Ysidro Road, Santa Barbara, CA 93108) during normal business hours. Written comments must be submitted no later than 5:00 p.m. on December 18, 2024 to:

Montecito Water District
Atten: Nicholas Turner, General Manager
583 San Ysidro Road
Santa Barbara, CA 93108 Or by email to:

Link to Notice (PDF)

Link to Recirculated Draft Initial Study-Negative Declaration For the Project: Water Management Program Agreement between Montecito Water District and Homer LLC(PDF)