Project Completion On Hot Springs Road, Montecito
(Montecito, California, March 27, 2017)
In December, 2016, 1,100 linear feet of water main, serving Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church and School and local residences, was replaced between 500 and 600 Hot Springs Road. While new pipes were in place and functional in December, the wettest winter on record delayed the final road slurry, which requires warm, dry weather to complete. Western Oil Spreading Services, Inc. is scheduled to slurry on Wednesday, March 29, bringing successful closure to the project.
As part of delivering a reliable supply of water, the Montecito Water District operates and maintains over 114 miles of water distribution pipes, 4600 service connections, groundwater wells, pump stations, Juncal Dam, Jameson Lake, ten reservoirs and two water treatment facilities. Many District owned pipes, reservoirs, and facilities were built in the 1920’s when the District was first created. Aging infrastructure is addressed on an ongoing basis, and prioritized through the District’s 5-year Capital Improvement Plan. Upcoming projects will be on Sycamore Canyon Road and Ashley Road, and are slated to begin in April. Impacts to traffic and customers will be announced.

Founded in 1921, The Montecito Water District serves a population of approximately 13,100, providing water to more than 4,600 customers. The Montecito Water District's mission is to provide an adequate and reliable supply of high quality water to the residents of Montecito and Summerland, at the most reasonable cost. In carrying out this mission, the District places particular emphasis on providing outstanding customer service, conducting its operations in an environmentally sensitive manner, and working cooperatively with other agencies. For additional information visit